Dulabic Studio is a film production company specializing in product reviews, corporate videos, live events, independent films and motion graphics.


Stay up to date on our projects and receive news, promotions, tutorials and how-to videos by signing up for our Dulabic Studio newsletter. Also, receive a free book about how to make a feature film in your own living room.

Demo Reel

Motion Graphics Reel

VFX Reel

Filmmaking Today YouTube Channel

Filmmaking Today is about the latest product reviews, tips and techniques for low to no-budget filmmaking. Videos are released on a regular basis. Subscribe to our channel to stay up to date.

If you'd like to send us products for review please send it to the following address.

Dulabic Studio
472 47-20821 Fraser Highway
Langley, BC
V3A 4G7

P. 1-800-955-9264

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